Sweet Greens (1Litre)
Sweet Greens (1Litre)
*Celery, *Cucumber, *Apple, *Lemon, ^Ginger
* Certified Organic
^Spray Free
Pack Includes
Pack Includes
1Litre Glass Bottle of our "Sweet Greens" blend
Subscription Shipping
Subscription Shipping
Subscription Shipping Prices:
Auckland: $6.99
Rest of North Island: $9.99
*We cannot deliver subscriptions to the South Island*
Tastes fantastic, great way to up my greens intake
Always ordering the big bottles so tasty I don't share with anyone lol
This pure refreshing juice to start your day with energy and vitality what more can you ask for
half a litre a day keeps the doctor away
I look forward to this product weekly. Best juice I have found in Auckland and so convenient.
Delivered Fresh!
Organic Ingredients, Raw & Unpasteurised
Cold-Pressed Technology
Collapsible content
Our juice is Raw and unpreserved meaning, it is highly concentrated in nutrients but also has a shelf life of 7 days.
If you are unable to consumer the juice in time it is possible to freeze for up to 6 months.
*To Freeze - Pour your juice in a plastic bottle with some space left at the top - your juice will expand during the freezing process and may crack our glass bottles.